
El Dr. Robert Cilveti participa en un reportaje sobre natación para bebés del Diario Terrassa

Bajo el título "Matronatación: la primera visita a la piscina", el pasado sábado, 8 de julio, el suplemento "Gente DT" del Diario Terrassa publicó un reportaje sobre natación para bebés -también conocida como matronatación- en el que intervino el Dr. Rober Cilveti, médico adjunto del servicio de Pediatría del HUMT.

Dr. Cilveti specializes in infantile pneumology and co-author of an article on pediatric diving, Dr. Cilveti comments that it is certainly a practice that, carried out with the right conditions, carries few risks and also refers to the need to ensure that the activity develops In pools specially prepared for this activity.

In terms of scientific evidence, Dr. Cilveti explains that although it is a playful activity and encourages psychomotor development, there is no direct relationship between the babies who practice it and those who learn to swim first. In this sense, he also warns about the fact that practicing the activity can create a "false sense of security" between parents and forget that certainly this practice requires their supervision at all times.